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CSE profile

xxx zzz

Assistant Professor
Qualification: xxx
Information Science and Engineering
Phone: 12345

Research details

  • Ph.D details: Pursuing Ph.D. in Computer Science & Engineering under VTU, Belagavi in the area of Big Data Analytics


International Journal publications

  • Usha G R and Dr.Dharmanna L,“A review on HDFS Architecture in Hadoop and Hadoop Components”, IJSDR (International Journal of Scientific Development and Research) ISSN: 2455-2631) in May, 2017

Conferences attended

  • Presented a paper entitled“Analysis of YouTube data using Hadoop component: Pig” on May 2018 in International Conference on “Recent Trends in Technology” (ICRTT) held at SDMIT, Ujire

Workshops attended

  • Attended Six days FDP on “Knowledge Discovery and Data Analytics” held at AIT,Chickmagaluru from 16/01/2018 to 21/01/2018